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Exclusive: Halston Dare talks about new single 'Pinnacle' featured on Digital Journal

Electro-pop artist Halston Dare chatted with Markos Papadatos about her new single "Pinnacle," which she premiered exclusively in Digital Journal.

Tell me about the inspiration behind your new single 'Pinnacle'.

That day we made the decision to start the entire writing session from scratch. I just remember hearing the word Pinnacle shoot through my head so many times. Consequently, we landed on that song title and it just flowed out from there.

You worked with the incredible talents of Shane Stevens and Jordan Sapp on this single. Describe that connection and how the three of you crafted this pop/dance smash.

I have known Jordan and Shane for a very long time. We have a connection individually that is very strong and very intuitive and I’m very grateful for that. Shane and I work really well together expressing our feelings and Jordan understands what goes through my brain when I’m trying to express certain types of musical ideas. That day, we were spitting fire and creating something very magical together. We were all bouncing off of each other‘s ideas and really connected.

You closed your 2020 with a very interactive partnership with E.L.F. Cosmetics. Tell me about that project.

I am very grateful that I got to work with e.l.f. Cosmetics during Christmas time. It was so exciting, so much fun. Creating the songs was so cool. I never thought I had the capability to do something like that, but, after I saw the success of the two songs that I did, I stood corrected. So many of my friends told me how much they loved the music and watching it transform on Triller was so cool! It was also a lot of fun being able to host the live stream of the holiday line dropping, and also being sent some of the Christmas products as well to sample.

Speaking of pinnacles, you reached an incredible benchmark the first week of 2021 when two of those holiday singles landed on the Billboard Charts. How did that feel to see your name on such an acclaimed chart?

I actually had no idea that I ended up on Billboard until a fan of mine posted it on their story congratulating me for hitting Billboard. I was overjoyed and ecstatic. I had a legitimate panic attack because I couldn’t believe it with my own eyes.

You have really embraced digital connections with your fans across all avenues. Is there a platform you enjoy the most and why?

The platforms that I enjoy the most are TikTok and Triller. I just have the most fun watching other content creators on there. I also have a lot more fun on those apps as well with my own content. I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of the Troope House for Triller. Some of the most incredible ladies are in that house and we all support each other.

Houston has served as the launching pads for icons like Beyonce. How is the music scene in that city and do you feel embraced by the culture of the club scene there?

Houston definitely does not feel like a typical music city scene and I do wish they were more open mics and bars with stages like how it was when I was living in Nashville. However, Houston is cool for its incredible food and as a city bustling with things to do. Now for a rapper, this is the place to be for sure.

If you could collaborate with anyone right now, who would that be and why?

I would either choose Julia Michaels or Dua Lipa. They have absolutely transformed my artistry and are some of my biggest inspirations. Julie Michaels is a reason that I write today the way that I do. Dua Lipa is the reason why I love pop music so much.

"Pinnacle" is available for pre-order on digital service providers by clicking here.

To learn more about Halston Dare, follow her on Instagram and check out her website and Facebook page.

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